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Let's do some work together.
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Expertbase is made for real Experts

Made by Experts for Experts like You

Expertbase is the first B2B portal dedicated to Business Trainers, Business Consultants, Professional Speakers, Business Coaches and Facilitators. We have created a place where brainy experts can post their professional profiles with everything that goes with it that simply look GREAT to the world - and can be found.

We carefully built Expertbase over several years with the greatest of passion to showcase YOU and to get you some high-quality extra work.

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To be Found or Not - isn't that's the Question?

To be Found or Not - isn't that the Question?

Expertbase is made for people like you who have the talent, the experience, the expertise, the dedication, the passion and not least the time to assist companies of any shape or size from any part of the planet with delivering specific, mostly short-term projects.

You can be a freelancer or an employee, a retiree who wants to share the experience, an associate in a firm or a self-employed one-(wo)man-show. It doesn't matter. What counts is that and can make yourself available for short to medium term projects in your area of specialisation - and we need you to always do your very best.

Add your Profile
What are my chances I get work here?

What are my chances I get work here?

There are 2 ways you can receive work when you are Expertbase's free plan:

  1. Visitors to your profile may be interested in working with you and contact you via your profile. If enquiries turn into chargeable work Experts on our Free Plan work through us. We retain a 15 to 19% service fee. Experts on our PRO+ Plan can work directly with the client (no service charge.)
  2. The Knowledge Brokers , Expertbase's parent company, considers you a candidate for a project we are working on. Here's where we get in touch with you to discuss opportunities and agree on a deal.

And we'll of course make sure Expertbase reaches the people who matter!

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Get an Expert Profile that makes You look your best!

Your Best-in-Class Profile. 100% Free!

No matter whether you post your free-for-life profile with Expertbase or upgrade to our unbeatable PRO+ Plan [ Explore Plans ] - you will just look your best on any device! You can fine-tune your profile 24/7 with our super simple Profile Wizard. Use your personal Dashboard to manage all features with a few clicks. Your profile will be accessible through a simple dedicated link which you can use for your marketing material, social media, auto-signature, etc.

Start FREE

PRO+ Overview

Expertbase's amazingly useful Features

Real Useful Tools & Features

Expertbase has been made with you in mind!

  • Post a Free Expert Profile
  • Publish business articles
  • Apply for and win Opportunities
  • Post and manage Opportunities
  • Let people know where and when you are travelling to ('Hired!') - and get more work
  • Receive Alerts
  • Bookmark Profiles, Opportunities and Articles
  • Unlock Experts
  • Get your clients to write testimonials for you.
  • and much more...

All Features & Plans
Posting Opportunities is always free on Expertbase!

Post free & unlimited Opportunities

Looking for a trainer, coach, consultant, speaker, keynote, facilitator or any other expert for a project you are involved in? There's no better way than posting an Opportunity ("Opp") in a few super quick and simple steps using our Wizard.

When you get responses for your Opportunity you decide from which Experts you want a proposal. Once you get the 'right deal' you can award your work to your favourite expert with a professional agreement.

Alternatively, you can let us manage it for you - at no extra fees!

Post an Opp FAQ / Help
Build new Strategic Alliances with Expertbase

Build new Strategic Alliances

Got so much work that you and your team can't handle it anymore? Your client is asking you stuff you may need to obtain from elsewhere? Talk to us. We can put you in touch with just those experts who may be able to fill your gap and make you stronger. And you never know to what new alliances can lead you to next...

Talk to us
Expertbase's PRO+ Plan

The PRO+ Plan

Any Expert can upgrade to our PRO+ plan anytime for just USD 199 p.a. to enhance their visibility and to have access to more really useful features. PRO+ profiles features include showing the expert's full names, company name, company profile, better placement in searches, etc.

But perhaps the one feature you'll love most is this: Visitors to your PRO+ profile can contact you directly and you are free to make deals as you like. We do not charge any service fees to you nor do we monitor your activities.

And did we mention:

1) You can buy a PRO+ plan and gift or donate it to someone else

2) Transfer your PRO+ plan to anyone you wish to!

Learn More PRO+ FAQ
Unlocking an Expert with Expertbase

Unlock your Expert

A standard free-plan profile on Expertbase is 'locked' ( ). You won't find an expert's full name, contact details or the company he/she is working with. You can also not write directly to him/her through his/her profile.

You can unlock up to 3 Experts on Expertbase (except Celebs) for just USD 199 and instantly receive his/her contact details ( )

Learn More! Unlock FAQ
NBC Universal - Germany / Monaco is a client of Expertbase
Reckitt Benckiser is a client of Expertbase
Castrol is a client of Expertbase
Pfizer is a client of Expertbase
Deutsche Bank is a client of Expertbase
Tyco Thermal Controls is a client of Expertbase
Nokia  is a client of Expertbase
Dubai Holding is a client of Expertbase
Shell - Oman Marketing is a client of Expertbase
Schneider Electric is a client of Expertbase
Emaar Properties PJSC is a client of Expertbase
Johnson & Johnson is a client of Expertbase
Nielsen is a client of Expertbase
Citigroup is a client of Expertbase
Unilever is a client of Expertbase
Fonterra is a client of Expertbase
US Bank (USA) is a client of Expertbase
Saudi Aramco is a client of Expertbase
Intercontinental Hotels is a client of Expertbase
Commerzbank is a client of Expertbase
NBC Universal - Germany / Monaco is a client of Expertbase
Reckitt Benckiser is a client of Expertbase
Castrol is a client of Expertbase
Pfizer is a client of Expertbase
Deutsche Bank is a client of Expertbase
Tyco Thermal Controls is a client of Expertbase
Nokia  is a client of Expertbase
Dubai Holding is a client of Expertbase
Shell - Oman Marketing is a client of Expertbase
Schneider Electric is a client of Expertbase
Emaar Properties PJSC is a client of Expertbase
Johnson & Johnson is a client of Expertbase
Nielsen is a client of Expertbase
Citigroup is a client of Expertbase
Unilever is a client of Expertbase
Fonterra is a client of Expertbase
US Bank (USA) is a client of Expertbase
Saudi Aramco is a client of Expertbase
Intercontinental Hotels is a client of Expertbase
Commerzbank is a client of Expertbase