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The right Experts for your Project

The right Experts for your Project

You've come to the right place if you want to hire experts who can really deliver training, consulting, coaching or facilitation results your company needs. If you are looking for Experts to assist you with a short to medium duration project then Expertbase is the place to browse and hire.

We built Expertbase with the greatest of passion and care because we want you to be successful in your quest of hiring the best matching experts your money can buy!

We've made it as simple as can be. Our constantly growing list of Clients in now over 30 countries trust our team of dedicated industry professionals with over a century of experience who absolutely love what we do. Since 1999.

Instantly find Experts

Instantly find Experts

We maintain a database of currently 7158 business trainers, coaches, consultants, speakers, facilitators and more from every corner of this planet. We actively work in over 30 countries. BROWSE or instantly FIND your next candidate!

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Post free & unlimited Opportunities

Post free & unlimited Opportunities

Looking for a trainer, coach, consultant, speaker, keynote, facilitator or any other expert for your project? There's no better way than Posting an Opportunity ('Opp') in a few super quick and simple steps.

Once you've create an Opportunity you can decide from which Experts you want proposals from. Once you get the 'right deal' you can award your work to your favourite expert with a professional agreement.

You can also decide to let us manage it for you.

Post an Opp Opps FAQ
Unlocking (nearly) any Expert

Unlock your fav Experts

A standard free-plan profile on Expertbase is 'locked' ( ). You won't find an expert's full name, contact details or the company he/she is working with. You can also not write directly to him/her through his/her profile.

You can unlock up to 3 Experts on Expertbase (except Celebs) for just USD 199 and instantly receive his/her contact details ( )

Learn More! Unlock FAQ
Subscribe to Expertbase PRO+ Plan for Experts

PRO+ Experts

Experts can subscribe to Expertbase's PRO+ Plan for an annual fee to enhance their visibility. PRO+ profiles feature the expert's full name, company name, etc.

Perhaps the feature you'll love most: Anybody can contact any PRO+ Expert directly on her/his profile!

You are also free to hire and work with any PRO+ expert anyway you like. We do not charge a service fees to you nor do we monitor this.

PRO+ Details FAQ
Free User Account with Expertbase?

Free User Account!

Anybody can sign up for a free user account on Expertbase. We protect your privacy and guarantee you a spam free experience when you entrust your credentials to us.

You can use our Expertbase signup tool or authentication services of Google, LinkedIn or Facebook. User Accounts are required, for example, if you want to post a free Opportunity. You can also delete it anytime. And when we say 'delete' we mean 'delete'.

Sign In Register Free
No Time to Search? The Knowledge Brokers help!

No Time to Search? We help!

Finding the right expert/s for your project can be incredibly hard, time-consuming and carries a lot of responsibility.

Expertbase is owned and backed by The Knowledge Brokers, who are the world's number 1 experts in sourcing experts for projects. We will introduce you to great experts who simply match or exceed your expectations - for a budget you had in mind. Virtually or In-Person.

And best of all: You take no risk working with us: If an expert does not deliver as agreed, it's on us. No questions asked.

Just drop us a line and we'll get back to you right away.

Drop us a line
A Console you can work with

A Dashboard you can work with

When you sign up or log in securely you are forwarded to your very own Dashboard or Control Centre. Here's where you can control ever aspect as a user of Expertbase.

As a client you can manage your Opportunities, view stats, keep track of all your bookmarks (Experts, Articles and Opportunities), setup and manage alerts, and get the full contact details of Experts you've unlocked.

And what's best? It's free!

Sign In Register Free
Set up your Alerts - free!

Get Alerts

We can alert you periodically when we come across experts who are matching criteria you specify.

All you need to do is to set up Alerts in your Dashboard.

You'll receive a WEEKLY DIGEST of matching experts. (If we can't find any experts matching your criteria you simply won't receive any emails). Alerts can be switched on / off anytime.

Try Alerts!

Larger projects? consider training outsourcing with The Knowledge Brokers

Larger Project to give away?

Got larger training or consulting requirements? We've got you covered! Especially, if you need a number of specialist trainers (perhaps even at multiple locations at any one time) or you need a team of capable people who can manage this professionally for you.

That's us. Have a look at Expertbase's creators - The Knowledge Brokers - we do just that for over 20 years. We specialise in scaleable Training Outsourcing Solutions completely fine-tuned to your unique requirements.

Let's talk!
Tyco Thermal Controls is a client of Expertbase
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Capgemini is a client of Expertbase
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