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Chris's Consulting Profile
Financial, Risk and Marketing Modeling Expert
Chris is an assistant professor at the Cornell School of Hotel Administration. Prior to his appointment in 2006, he was on faculty at the Ivey School of Business in London, Ontario Canada. His main research focus is on revenue management and service pricing.
He actively works with industry, across numerous industry types, in the application and development of RM, having worked with a variety hotels, airlines, rental car and tour companies as well as numerous consumer packaged good and financial services firms.
Chris's research has been funded by numerous governmental agencies and industrial partners and he serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management and is the regional editor for the International Journal of Revenue Management. At the Hotel School he teaches courses in revenue management and service operations management.
He actively works with industry, across numerous industry types, in the application and development of RM, having worked with a variety hotels, airlines, rental car and tour companies as well as numerous consumer packaged good and financial services firms.
Chris's research has been funded by numerous governmental agencies and industrial partners and he serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management and is the regional editor for the International Journal of Revenue Management. At the Hotel School he teaches courses in revenue management and service operations management.
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Chris's Consulting Expertise
37 Years of Experience
Finance, Financial Tools
Entry to expert level development of spreadsheet based models for decision making and risk assessment
37 Years of Experience
Risk Modeling
Advice as a Consultant and teach as a professor at an elite business school in Canada tools, know-how and techniques for estimating or 'modelling' risk.
37 Years of Experience
Marketing Modelling
Advice as a Consultant and teach as a professor at an elite business school in Canada tools and know-how that help bring clarity to market opportunities, transparency to the decision making process and a clearer ?outward facing? perspective to their business