Dr. Shireen Khan, Belhoul Specialty Hospital, a specialist Business Trainer from Dubai | Expertbase
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Dr. Shireen K.

A Business Trainer from Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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Dr. Shireen's Training Profile

Business, Medical & Scientific Trainer
Based on my education as a doctor, speciality in Pediatrics and being trained in many fields at PfizerI have a vast repertoire in business and medical training programs,

Though the basis of every training is the same, each one os "tailor made" to fit the requirements of the trainees, their education level & conprehension of the subject.

Though I have a vast repertoire, I have fined tuned certain training programs which include:

1. EQ vs IQ in a business setting

2. Basic Life Sciences for Children and Adults

3. Communication skills



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Dr. Shireen's Training Expertise

43 Years of Experience


Offers programmes that encourages doctors from all specialties and fields to encourage ethical behavior not only with patients, but also amongst doctors themselves.

* Doctor patient interaction
* Doctor- doctor interaction
* Ethical communication
* Speaking with patients relatives when imparting bad news
* Human rights and ethics concerning patients

32 Years of Experience

Health and Safety

Clinical trials are undertaken in both hospital and general practice centres all over the world. Patients receiving new drugs need to be enrolled in trials that are undertaken in the highest standards in order to obtain valid and reproducible data.

Offers seminars and courses on GCP (Good Clinical Practices) which may be defined as a standard by which clinical trials are designed, implemented & reported so there is public assurance that the data are credible, and the rights, integrity & confidentiality of subjects are protected.

32 Years of Experience

Biotech, Pharma

Offers training that focuses and is designed to improve selling skills and motivate pharmaceutical sales professionals to continuously improve. The program covers the fundamentals of sales and motivational training, and mixes it with sound, time tested common sense.

The training objectives are to increase sales, achievement of personal goals, growth as a person and excellence in your marketplace.

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