Lisa Spencer-arnell, CCS Coaching International - engaging people, achieving balance, retaining talent, a specialist Business Coach from Nottingham | Expertbase
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Lisa S.

A Business Coach from Nottingham, United Kingdom

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Lisa's Experience Map

Lisa's Coaching Profile

Executive Coach, Trainer, Facilitator, Author, Keynote
Lisa is an inspirational Executive Coach, Mentor, Trainer, Author (commissioned to co-write Emotional Intelligence Coaching by Kogan Page) and Keynote Speaker, with a proven track record of more than 16 years in the corporate world working within sales, marketing and management roles (including The Financial Times Group & Courtaulds).

This experience together with a passion for people & development, values based living and working, making a difference and Work Life Balance, ensures clients are guaranteed a unique, energetic and quality experience, focused on achieving results & balance. Lisa's business career includes extensive experience in:-

Leadership, EI, Coaching & Mentoring Skills Development

* Trained in excess of 1000 Leaders with Coaching Skills in a variety of sectors, including shipping, NHS, Utilities, Education, Business to Business, Manufacturing, Financial Services etc.

* Course Director for Coaching & Mentoring International's Diploma in Coaching Programme 2003-2006.

* Delivered programmes in UK, US, Middle East, Lithuania, including a Leadership/Coaching Module as part of an Executive MBA programme on behalf of a European Management Institute.

* Mentoring Skills Training to introduce in-house mentoring schemes.

* Speaker at CIMA Conference in 2005 and 2006 on Coaching & Mentoring in the workplace.

* Leadership & Emotional Intelligence Programmes delivered to Executive Team of International Shipping Company & Executive Team of Global Fuel Company.

* Leadership development and facilitation with Unilever and Boots
Executive, Individual & Team Coaching & Mentoring

* Have coached numerous Executives (from middle Managers to Board Members) from a range of organisations, including Boots, Prudential, NHS, Johnson & Johnson, Business Link, as well as SME Business Owners.

* Career Coaching & Redundancy Coaching project provided for Local Authorities.

Work Life Balance & Stress Management Development Initiatives

Lisa has developed a number of initiatives around Work Life Balance / Balanced Working / Stress Management, with the intention of individuals taking control of and responsibility for their Work Life Balance, therefore impacting on personal, team and organisational performance (and significantly reducing stress levels).

* Programmes have been delivered to Microsoft, Unison, Dubai British Embassy, Solicitors (the programmes have Law Society Accreditation), Head Teachers, Gasco, Fire Service, Price Waterhouse Coopers, CDH Financial Consultants, Local Authorities to name a few

Action Learning Set Facilitator

* Delivered several Action Learning Sets on behalf of Notts County Council, as part of their service provision to developing capacity and performance in local organisations.

* Have introduced Action Learning Sets to embed Coaching Skills Training e.g. with the NHS as part of a merger and culture change programme.


* Mentored Leaders training in coaching skills to embed and implement them

* New start up business owners to develop business, sales and marketing strategies and plans.

Trainer & Facilitator

* Train in a number of people development areas such as personal effectiveness, customer service, communication excellence for leaders, advanced coaching and mentoring development.

* Facilitates team events e.g. Senior Management Team of NHS developing their Mission & Values Set.



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Lisa's Coaching Expertise

22 Years of Experience


Qualified as a Professional Coach in 2002 (through Coaching & Mentoring International).

Have coached individuals & teams in a wide range of organisations - including Johnson & Johnson, Prudential, Boots, Statoil, AXA Insurance etc.

Am a member of ICF and follow a route of CPD as I'm committed to high standards. Commissioned by Kogan Page to co-author 'Emotional Intelligence Coaching'.

22 Years of Experience

Stress Management

I'm passionate about Work Life Balance and working with individuals and organisations to be more conscious about the importance of Work Life Balance as it does impact on performance.

Developed a ranged of programmes which have been delivered by myself and others to organisations such as Microsoft (in response to staff survey results), Unison, Dubai British Embassy, Gasco (to demonstrate they valued their staff), PriceWaterhouseCoopers (as part of the graduate induction scheme), Fire Service, Astrazeneca, Solicitors (the programmes are accredited by the Law Society), Local Authorities (to retain staff)

Programmes include a one day workshop for all levels within an organisation, a half-day workshop for Directors/Senior Managers to look at the business case, then bite sized learning sessions (2 hour slots), and a 12 week one to one coaching programme.

22 Years of Experience


To engage and motivate people in organisations, rock solid leadership is essential.

I've trained over 1000 leaders in Europe, the Middle East and the US in developing a coaching style of leadership.

I'm an accredited trainer of the Ken Blanchard Group to deliver Situational Leadership II.

I'm a visiting professor for The Baltic Management Institute in Lithuania to co-deliver on their Executive MBA programme on Leadership & EI
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