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Ivy's Experience Map
Ivy's Coaching Profile
Professional Facilitator
For over a decade, I have been coaching leaders and leadership teams in China, Hong Kong and Australia to design and facilitate change from individual to community levels. I founded a well-known Consulting Firm in 1998 with the purpose to transform organization culture, expand leadership competencies and coach leaders to enact on their visions/missions.
I was also one of the pioneering executive coaches in Hong Kong who introduced and actively promoted coaching to organizations. My purpose to coach is to expand leaders’ ability to live a holistically well and balanced life, exhibit and live clear and conscious values, become active and positive change to the world.
“Holistic leadership development” is a key distinction of my approach. I work specifically with executives who are already highly skilled, sophisticated and experienced. It is beyond making improvements or achieving, but enabling and empowering the executives to reach a different level of actualized leadership, hence re-gaining a new sense of purpose and energy. The process of which does not just address business, but also look deeply and holistically at the executive’s well-being, from personal balance, family to the workplace.
The results are profound and real. My coaching goes directly to the core – their identities, values, beliefs and unfulfilled aspirations. It is empowering and high impact and its results are sustainable over time. For us, executive coaching is not just personal, but also organizational or community-wide.
As a keynote speaker, my style is highly dynamic, engaging and poignant. Having been in organizational consulting and having worked with senior executives from different cultures, we have an abundance of stories to share, to inspire on how to live and achieve more effectively, integrating both chinese and western philosophies. We have plenty of ideas how to revolutionize organizational performances and culture.
Clients include:
Abbott Diagnostics, Acterna China, Action Youth Development, ANZ Bank (with IEC, Australia), Architectural Services Department/Tourism Board, Automated Systems HK Ltd, Avon Asia Pacific, Baxter Asia Pacific, BMC Software Greater China, British Council, Brocade Communications Systems (HK) Ltd, Civic Exchange, Clariant China (with Blackisle Ltd), CLSA, Computer & Technologies International Limited, Dynamic Creations, EMI Music Asia, Equity Trust Hong Kong Ltd, Eternal Flame, GlaxoSmithKline Limited, Global E-Business Enabler Limited, Green Science International Ltd, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education, Hong Kong CSL Limited, Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hospital Authority, Hyperion Solutions Asia Pte Ltd, ING Financial Planning, Jebsen & Co, Jebsen Beer, Jebsen Shipping, KCR Corporation, Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, K-Swiss Asia Management team, Lever Shirt Ltd, LKK Health Products Group, Marks & Spencer, MAST Industries Ltd, Mazen Industries Ltd, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley (With IEC, Australia), Mothers? Choice, MTR Corporation, National Australia Bank, Orbotech Pacific Ltd, Oxford University Press (China) Ltd, Paccess Hong Kong, Pacific Century CyberWorks Limited, Pixel Magic Systems Ltd, Procter & Gamble Hong Kong Ltd, Protein International, a Dupont business, San Miguel Brewery HK Ltd, Save Lamma Campaign, Standard Chartered Bank, Sun E-Vision Super Office HK Ltd, Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd, Sun Microsystems Sybase Hong Kong, Sustainable Development Unit, HKSAR Government, Swire Resources (with VP Worldwide Ltd), Tourism Commission, UBS Investment Bank, Australia, UL International Ltd Vanda Group, Underwriters Laboratories International Ltd
I was also one of the pioneering executive coaches in Hong Kong who introduced and actively promoted coaching to organizations. My purpose to coach is to expand leaders’ ability to live a holistically well and balanced life, exhibit and live clear and conscious values, become active and positive change to the world.
“Holistic leadership development” is a key distinction of my approach. I work specifically with executives who are already highly skilled, sophisticated and experienced. It is beyond making improvements or achieving, but enabling and empowering the executives to reach a different level of actualized leadership, hence re-gaining a new sense of purpose and energy. The process of which does not just address business, but also look deeply and holistically at the executive’s well-being, from personal balance, family to the workplace.
The results are profound and real. My coaching goes directly to the core – their identities, values, beliefs and unfulfilled aspirations. It is empowering and high impact and its results are sustainable over time. For us, executive coaching is not just personal, but also organizational or community-wide.
As a keynote speaker, my style is highly dynamic, engaging and poignant. Having been in organizational consulting and having worked with senior executives from different cultures, we have an abundance of stories to share, to inspire on how to live and achieve more effectively, integrating both chinese and western philosophies. We have plenty of ideas how to revolutionize organizational performances and culture.
Clients include:
Abbott Diagnostics, Acterna China, Action Youth Development, ANZ Bank (with IEC, Australia), Architectural Services Department/Tourism Board, Automated Systems HK Ltd, Avon Asia Pacific, Baxter Asia Pacific, BMC Software Greater China, British Council, Brocade Communications Systems (HK) Ltd, Civic Exchange, Clariant China (with Blackisle Ltd), CLSA, Computer & Technologies International Limited, Dynamic Creations, EMI Music Asia, Equity Trust Hong Kong Ltd, Eternal Flame, GlaxoSmithKline Limited, Global E-Business Enabler Limited, Green Science International Ltd, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education, Hong Kong CSL Limited, Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hospital Authority, Hyperion Solutions Asia Pte Ltd, ING Financial Planning, Jebsen & Co, Jebsen Beer, Jebsen Shipping, KCR Corporation, Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, K-Swiss Asia Management team, Lever Shirt Ltd, LKK Health Products Group, Marks & Spencer, MAST Industries Ltd, Mazen Industries Ltd, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley (With IEC, Australia), Mothers? Choice, MTR Corporation, National Australia Bank, Orbotech Pacific Ltd, Oxford University Press (China) Ltd, Paccess Hong Kong, Pacific Century CyberWorks Limited, Pixel Magic Systems Ltd, Procter & Gamble Hong Kong Ltd, Protein International, a Dupont business, San Miguel Brewery HK Ltd, Save Lamma Campaign, Standard Chartered Bank, Sun E-Vision Super Office HK Ltd, Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd, Sun Microsystems Sybase Hong Kong, Sustainable Development Unit, HKSAR Government, Swire Resources (with VP Worldwide Ltd), Tourism Commission, UBS Investment Bank, Australia, UL International Ltd Vanda Group, Underwriters Laboratories International Ltd
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Ivy's Clients
ANZ Bank with IEC
Abbott Diagnostics
Acterna China
Action Youth Development
Architectural Services Department Tourism Board
Automated Systems HK Ltd
Avon Asia Pacific
BMC Software Greater China
Baxter Asia Pacific
British Council
Brocade Communications Systems HK Ltd
Civic Exchange
Clariant China with Blackisle Ltd
Computer Technologies International Limited
Dynamic Creations
EMI Music Asia
Equity Trust Hong Kong Ltd
Eternal Flame
GlaxoSmithKline Limited
Global E Business Enabler Limited
Green Science International Ltd
HKSAR Government
HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education
Hong Kong CSL Limited
Hong Kong Girl Guides Association
Hong Kong Jockey Club
Hospital Authority
Hyperion Solutions Asia Pte Ltd
ING Financial Planning
Jebsen Co
Jebsen Beer
Jebsen Shipping
K Swiss Asia Management team
KCR Corporation
Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation
LKK Health Products Group
Lever Shirt Ltd
MAST Industries Ltd
MTR Corporation
Marks Spencer
Mazen Industries Ltd
Merrill Lynch
Morgan Stanley With IEC
Mothers Choice
National Australia Bank
Orbotech Pacific Ltd
Oxford University Press China Ltd
Paccess Hong Kong
Pacific Century CyberWorks Limited
Pixel Magic Systems Ltd
Procter Gamble Hong Kong Ltd
Protein International
San Miguel Brewery HK Ltd
Save Lamma Campaign
Standard Chartered Bank
Sun E Vision Super Office HK Ltd
Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd
Sun Microsystems Sybase Hong Kong
Sustainable Development Unit
Swire Resources with VP Worldwide Ltd
Tourism Commission
UBS Investment Bank
UL International Ltd Vanda Group
Underwriters Laboratories International Ltd
a Dupont business
Ivy's Coaching Expertise
29 Years of Experience
Facilitating in-depth communication to improve organizational or community relations; applying high level listening, understanding of language use and motivational elements.
29 Years of Experience
Corporate Culture
Develop vision, values and goals; identify effective ways for cascading throughout organization; turning vision, values and goals into behavioral changes.
29 Years of Experience
Highly participatory approach of facilitation, to increase ownership, effectively access potential and opportunities.