Bill Atkinson,, a specialist Business Trainer from Edinburgh | Expertbase
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Bill A.

A Business Trainer from Edinburgh, United Kingdom

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Bill's Training Profile

Leadership Development Consultant
Bill is an experienced trainer and designer with expertise in leadership, project management and performance management. He believes that by focusing the right people on the right process then the right performance is the result.

With 20 years operational leadership and management experience he has been delivering leadership and project programmes to numerous organisations around the world including the Middle East, Far East, Caribbean and Europe.

Exposed to the role of project manager in the military, Bill has run projects throughout his career in the defence industry and financial services sectors. He has undertaken projects covering areas such as establishing new units, building exhibitions, creating marketing materials including video shoots. 

Bill began delivering Project Management training in his role as a Leadership Consultant for Standard Life Assurance Co. He also project managed their first Investors in People award. He also designed and delivered a revolutionary performance management & reward system still in use 18 years later.

Since becoming an independent consultant in 2000, Bill has run courses for a wide range of clients including:
Alpha Flight Services, Greater Manchester Police, BAE SYSTEMS, Diageo, Intelligent Finance, and most recently Citibank in Jakarta and Singapore's Housing Development Board in Singapore, FBQHC in Qatar and HBOS group in UK. He has also delivered for UK Civil Service, Swarovski, housing organisations and various charitable organisations.

Since then number of organisations in UK, Europe and the Far East for the last 16 years as an independent consultant.??He has also designed and delivered numerous 1-3 day leadership and management programmes for clients including some with ILM accreditation.

Bill also works with individual’s with their personal organisation issues to increase personal performance and reduction of stress.

Bill's Specialties:
Leadership, project management, organisational performance (appraisal) management and personal organisation.



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Bill's Training Expertise

45 Years of Experience


Development of leadership skills from strategic planning to personal performance.

Developing project managers in the process and people skills required to deliver challenging objectives

45 Years of Experience


Working with organisations and their performance systems to develop managers in the skills of maximising individual, team and organisation motivation and performance

45 Years of Experience


Giving people the tools and techniques to take personal control of their environment in order to perform in a more focused way
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