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Sairamesh's Experience Map
Sairamesh's Coaching Profile
OD Consultant, Master Coach, Trainer & Key Note Speaker
Sai is a Master Certified Coach - MCC ICF(R), has over 16 years of managerial experience in organizations covering the fields of Manufacturing, Service, Marketing, Sales HRD and People Development. In the past he was associated with companies such Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited, NIIT / NIS, bplinnovision Business Group, & Reliance Petroleum Ltd.
As a consultant Sai’s clientele’ include large MNC Banks, IT, Semiconductor Engineering & Fabrication, ITES, Services, FMCG, Automobile, Publications, Pharma, Animal Health Care Organizations, etc.
Sai is interested in behavioural sciences and in facilitation of Human Process Laboratories (T-Groups). He is trained for HRD Facilitation, O.D. interventions, and Assessment (Development) Centre in organisations. He is experienced for over a decade in administering and interpreting psychological instruments.
Sai has extensively used MBTI, DiSC, PIAV, PTPS, Belbin Team Roles, Thomas Kilmann Conflict Management Styles, Eqi, & Firo B in workshops, which facilitate in individual understanding as well groups. Sai has facilitated large audiences – middle and senior level in understanding individual types and impact of type in interpersonal relationships and teamwork, besides leadership development. Sai is a leadership & team coach. Sai is interested in the field of Leadership development, Role effectiveness, Competency Development for Organization & Individual Effectiveness, and whole System Change viz; small / large System Change anchored in applied behavioral science.
Sairamesh’s Specialties:
OD Consulting, HRD Consulting, Organization Coach,
Personality Assessments, Interpersonal Needs Assessments, Assessments & Solutions for Team Developments, Leadership Assessments, Personal Strengths Assessments, Cognitive Styles, Personal Behavior Styles assessments, Performance improvement coaching, etc
As a consultant Sai’s clientele’ include large MNC Banks, IT, Semiconductor Engineering & Fabrication, ITES, Services, FMCG, Automobile, Publications, Pharma, Animal Health Care Organizations, etc.
Sai is interested in behavioural sciences and in facilitation of Human Process Laboratories (T-Groups). He is trained for HRD Facilitation, O.D. interventions, and Assessment (Development) Centre in organisations. He is experienced for over a decade in administering and interpreting psychological instruments.
Sai has extensively used MBTI, DiSC, PIAV, PTPS, Belbin Team Roles, Thomas Kilmann Conflict Management Styles, Eqi, & Firo B in workshops, which facilitate in individual understanding as well groups. Sai has facilitated large audiences – middle and senior level in understanding individual types and impact of type in interpersonal relationships and teamwork, besides leadership development. Sai is a leadership & team coach. Sai is interested in the field of Leadership development, Role effectiveness, Competency Development for Organization & Individual Effectiveness, and whole System Change viz; small / large System Change anchored in applied behavioral science.
Sairamesh’s Specialties:
OD Consulting, HRD Consulting, Organization Coach,
Personality Assessments, Interpersonal Needs Assessments, Assessments & Solutions for Team Developments, Leadership Assessments, Personal Strengths Assessments, Cognitive Styles, Personal Behavior Styles assessments, Performance improvement coaching, etc
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Sairamesh's Coaching Expertise
37 Years of Experience
How build, Lead & Coach High Performance Teams as a Leader and Coach for greater successes.
Member enrollment, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Role assignment, Goal setting, Developmental Leadership using appropriate Styles & Coaching methods, Delegating, On the Job training, Assessment, Teaming & Execution to attain goals.
Developmental Assessments & interpretation. Feeding back development plan to individuals
Member enrollment, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Role assignment, Goal setting, Developmental Leadership using appropriate Styles & Coaching methods, Delegating, On the Job training, Assessment, Teaming & Execution to attain goals.
Developmental Assessments & interpretation. Feeding back development plan to individuals
37 Years of Experience
Team Building
Belbin Accredited Professional. Team building using experiential learning in the areas of self and therefore resulting in effective interpersonal relationship.
Experiential classroom and off room training using OBL games, etc.
Experiential classroom and off room training using OBL games, etc.
37 Years of Experience
Human Development
Executive Coach,
Individual development through class room based instrumented learning interventions using DISC, MBTI, FIRO B, EQi, PIAV, etc.
Experiential adult learning workshop, facilitating audience to develop greater self reliance and assertiveness thro effective interpretation and use of ones own potential.
Individual development through class room based instrumented learning interventions using DISC, MBTI, FIRO B, EQi, PIAV, etc.
Experiential adult learning workshop, facilitating audience to develop greater self reliance and assertiveness thro effective interpretation and use of ones own potential.