Carol Talbot, Matrix Training Solutions, a specialist Business Coach from Dubai | Expertbase
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Carol T.

A Business Coach from Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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Carol's Coaching Profile

Human Performance Consultant & NLP Trainer
Carole is an enthusiastic, energetic and versatile consultant with a wide resource of tools, techniques, practices and processes to galvanize others into becoming actively involved in their personal development.

Carol is a Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) Certified Trainer (American Board of NLP), Certfied NLP Coach Trainer, Trainer of Hypnosis & Time Line Therapy® and has trained with some of the best presenters in the UK & US including Steve McDermott, European Business Speaker of the year in 2003 and 2004. With a strong background in holistic development and in the health and fitness arena, Carol has extensive coaching experience and has often been heard promoting the virtues of a healthy lifestyle on the local radio station.

Carol is also a certified Master Firewalk Instructor and Certified EQ Practitioner (Emotional Intelligence) and has shared these tools and techniques in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

She communicates well in a multi-cultural environment, relating easily to all levels of an organization. Her seminars and workshops are informal, creating a fun and relaxed environment, yet sharply focused, developing delegates' long-term strategies for personal growth and development.

Her work includes:

• Achieving Personal Excellence
• Transforming Teams
• Leadership Development
• NLP Programs for Personal & Professional Development (certification programs available)
• NLP Power Presentations
• NLP Coaching to Excellence
• Firewalking seminars & workshops



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Carol's Coaching Expertise

26 Years of Experience

Accelerated Learning

- Certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (ABNLP)
- Certified Trainer Hypnosis
- Master Trainer of Time Line Therapy?
- Certified practitioner of Emotional Intelligence

This presenter uses NLP as the foundation of all her work as she believes it provides the tools that change lives and transform performance.

28 Years of Experience


- Certified in DiSC dimensions of behavior profiles
- HBDI (Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument), a framework for analyzing personal and group profiles to explain the way people prefer to think, learn, communicate and make decisions.
- LSI by Human Synergistics
- Situational Leadership
- Leader Behavior
- Stress Management
- Leading yourself & leading teams

28 Years of Experience

Team Building

- Certified in high ropes events and low experiential initiatives
Over the last few years, she has designed, customized and delivered team-building programs to quite a number of organizations locally and overseas. Since people?s values determine their attitudes, which in turn determine their behavior it is therefore important to consider values and attitudes in any team building interventions as well as skill development???whilst ensuring the program remains lively and fun! The focus is always on experiential learning!
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