Kelley Keehn, Kelley Keehn, a specialist Business Speaker from Edmonton | Expertbase
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Kelley K.

A Business Speaker from Edmonton, Canada

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Kelley's Speaking Profile

Financial Expert, Author, Writer, Speaker, Coach, Radio Host
As a former financial professional for over a decade, she’s witnessed first hand the problems individuals have with money and has developed a number of fun and practical guides to making changes to our money mind sets at a fundamental level. Kelley discovered that whether someone had a billion in the bank or was a million in the hole, everyone has money problems!

Kelley is a regular sought after media guest, appearing on TV and radio around the globe and has many regular columns and published articles. Recently, Kelley was invited to meet with Warner Brothers, CNBC, and auditioned for the position of host with HGTV and the W Network. Today she is a regular contributor for CNBC and a bi-weekly columnist with CBC Radio Active.

Kelley understands first hand what it means to be a woman in corporate North America today and how to overcome one's weakness and capitalize on female strengths. She's managed millions of dollars for one of Canada's most international banks, endured the trails and successes of opening her own business, and is a sought-after speaker and educator for many successful corporations.

Kelley has been a successful investment professional, retirement planner and speaker for over a decade. Lecturing to groups large and small, originally her presentations addressed hard-line financial issues such as investment, tax, financial, estate and retirement planning.

In her books and courses, she teaches individuals and financial professionals how to solve money problems with a two-part system. First, an introspective look at how a person views money and their emotional attitudes towards it. Second, she takes readers and course participants through a series of fun and effective money and banking games that can be played for a lifetime of financial ease.

In addition to writing, Kelley now coaches and educates financial professionals on the principles of “foundational financial planning”. Kelley has received hundreds of thousands of dollars of free press coverage and has developed a workshop for financial professionals that teaches them the secrets of building credibility using the untapped resources of the press.

Kelley is a member of CIEPS (Canadian Initiative for Elder Planning Studies) and has recently been asked to join the faculty of the EPC (Elder Planning Counselor) program.

Kelley is a regular columnist with The Edmonton Sun, Canadian Money Saver Magazine, Orb Magazine, Alberta Husband and Wife Magazine, The Edmonton Chamber of Commerce News, was a daily guest on California 103 fm radio in Calgary, and is a regular guest on television and radio shows across Canada.

Kelley has been nominated for the Global Television’s Woman of Vision, the YWCA Woman of Distinction Award and the Rodman’s Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award, is a board member of the Edmonton Apartment Association and dedicates countless hours of her time to charitable efforts.



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Kelley's Speaking Expertise

34 Years of Experience

Finance, Financial Tools

Financial Expert, Author, Writer, Speaker, Coach, Radio Host, Columnist & Corporate Trainer

Kelley K., lecturer, personal coach and author of three books, including The Prosperity Factor and The Woman?s Guide to Money, uncovers the ?inner games? we play surrounding wealth. As a financial professional for over a decade, she?s witnessed first hand the problems individuals have with money and has developed a fun and practical guide to making changes to our money mindsets at a fundamental level.

Kelley is a regular columnist with Sun Media, The Edmonton Sun, Canadian Money Saver Magazine, Orb Magazine, Alberta Husband and Wife Magazine, The Edmonton Chamber of Commerce News, was a daily guest on California 103 fm radio in Calgary, and is a regular guest on television and radio shows around the globe.

34 Years of Experience

Women In Business

Freedom for Women today means Financial Independence!

Based on her books, The Woman's Guide to Money and The Prosperity Factor, Kelley delivers an empowering lecture based on a fun, practical journey into the psychology of money. This lecture speaks directly to women by a woman and will assist you in uncovering hidden beliefs and behaviours that have been holding you back and limiting your full potential for financial success and well being. Learn to break these old conditioned thoughts and beliefs for greater financial prosperity now!

- Learn the universal laws that govern prosperity.
- Banish worry and discover your path to true wealth.
- Learn how empowered self-talk and the words you speak can change your life, health and net worth forever.
- Eliminate the guilt you feel about having, spending and saving money
- Learn how to attract and retain money.
- Discover why you should NEVER have an emergency account.
- Uncover the relationship between "self worth" and "net worth" .
- Identify the societal and cultural attitudes that have been holding you back from financial success.
- Discover emotional ?wealth blocks? and release them forever!
- Utilize the "five account power banking system": -- a revolutionary system that will revolutionize how you save and spend money .
- Discover the mutli-million dollar machine that could be working for you now .
- How the conditioning of your childhood is affecting your finances today.
- Learn the importance of "foundational financial planning" for a sound and strong financial house.
- Discover proven strategies for building a new set of beliefs about money, which will produce new financial outcomes and greater happiness and peace.

29 Years of Experience

Business Development

Whether you're an employee or self-employed, thinking of yourself as a corporation is essential.

Learn how shifting your perception to being the President and CEO of your personal corporation will fast track your success and keep you on top!

Large corporations spend years and thousands of dollars on developing their corporate policies. What are yours? Learn why and how to structure your personal and corporate policies for maximum success for the long-term.
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