David Wayne, TAPESTRIES International Communications, Inc., a specialist Consultant from Scottsdale, Arizona | Expertbase
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David W.

A Consultant from Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

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David's Consulting Profile

Organization and Leadership Development Specialist
David has worked in the field of organization and leadership development for over 30 years.

In addition to extensive experience as both an internal and external consultant, he brings a broad academic and work background to his clients. His undergraduate degree is in international relations and he has Masters’ degrees in both sociology and counseling. David's doctorate is in psychology and he holds a post-doctoral diploma in psychiatry, specializing in organizations. Originally from Canada, his company is based in the U.S. but he has also lived and worked in Britain and Spain and been involved in international work from China to Tajikistan.

Highly respected in his field, he is currently the Futurist on the Board of Directors of the ISF and will take on the role of Chair Elect of that Board in June, 2004. A prolific writer, he has recently completed a chapter entitled "Beyond Methods" for a book, The Facilitation Handbook, to be published by Jossey-Bass in 2004. He has also written books and articles ranging from subjects including leadership to stress management to peer helping and has taught at several prestigious universities.

David and his company bring several key values to their work. They begin with a specific pre-analysis of client’s needs and desired outcomes at no charge to ensure compatibility between what they offer and what the client is requesting. They then co-create a tailored program based on this information for client approval. They build in assessment procedures so clients can see success. He believes that because each organization is unique, pre-packaged tools or methods are not appropriate and work must reflect and honor the culture and personality of the stakeholders.

His individual work ranges from one or multiple day workshops and facilitated meetings to multi-year ongoing consulting. He has worked primarily with governments, private businesses and not-for profit clients with specialty in leadership development, strategic planning and organizational growth and change.

He is happily married, an anthropologist and founder of his long-standing company. He has grown children and enjoys travel and working in diverse cultures. He is an avid runner, cook, and canoeist.



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David's Consulting Expertise

45 Years of Experience

Organisational Development

David approaches organizational development by using an adult learning model that is highly participatory. It often includes both strategic and tactical planning, education and training and ownership and empowerment.

It is always based on extensive, no cost interviewing and evaluation with prospective clients on their needs and is highly individualized. Built in is assessment and evaluation.

His core competencies include: Appreciative Inquiry, the Technologies of Participation for facilitated planning, the Drucker Self-Assessment process; numerous quality improvement modes; Process Consultation and interpersonal and communication styles.

45 Years of Experience


Competencies in leadership begin for him with the ability to help create and hold a strategic vision that is based on cultural awareness (organizational and external).

His competencies to support this include organizational vision creation, empowerment, and crisis management as well as specific areas of interpersonal skills development in communication, stress management, time management and marketing.

He uses techniques of Process Consultation plus other individualized strategies, including simulations to help develop leadership and differentiate it clearly from management.

45 Years of Experience

Change Management

Clearly a constant in any organization that is vital and growing, He works to assist clients in change management through its competencies of being able to identify the stage of development of the organization, examine the culture and sub-culture of the organization, assist with planning to optimize success as well as planning and capacity building to support the change effort.

His specific competencies are derived from the background of his Principals (a psychologist and an anthropologist) who bring over 25 years each of experience in helping organizations, communities and individuals deal with change.
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