Adrian Hayes, Adrian Hayes, a specialist Keynote Speaker from Dubai | Expertbase
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Adrian H.

A Keynote Speaker from Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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Adrian's Speaking Profile

Keynote Speaker, Team Coach, World Record Holding Adventurer
Adrian is the British, UAE-based, record-breaking polar explorer & adventurer, international keynote speaker, business coach and sustainability leader.

He set a Guinness World record in 2007 for reaching the Earth's "3 Poles" - walking all the way to the North Pole, South Pole and summiting Mt Everest - in the shortest period of time in history, becoming one of only 15 people ever to achieve the feat. He holds a second Guinness World record for the longest unsupported Arctic expedition in history (kite assisted), the 2009 vertical crossing of the Greenland ice cap. His most recent expedition was a 44 day 1600 km crossing of the Arabian Desert by foot and camel in the footsteps of 1940s British explorer Wilfred Thesiger.

A former Gurkha Officer and Special Forces reservist in the British Army, ironman triathlete and 2 time national fitness challenge champion, he is one of the few extreme adventurers in the World with a senior corporate background, including 6 years as the Regional Sales Director for Airbus Middle East and West Asia.

With 15 years’ experience in leadership, team and personal development and as an International Coaching Federation (ICF) certified business coach, he delivers keynote speeches, team development workshops, leadership seminars and other programmes Worldwide.

A lifetime follower of politics and international affairs, he is also a leading ambassador and speaker on economic, social and environmental sustainability.



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Adrian's Speaking Expertise

37 Years of Experience


My first aim in every keynote or workshop delivered is to leave audiences as inspired as they can possibly be. The core component of my story, reaching the 3 Poles of the Earth, is that primary inspiration.

However, this only forms a part of the story. Linking that inspiration to solid lessons for individuals and corporations is a key component of my work. In this, I bring numerous lessons from my coaching, corporate and military background to complement the experience.

Inspiring people, and companies, to achieve big things and fulfill their highest potential is that main aim.

27 Years of Experience

Personal Development

The aim in all this is to develop people in a way that goes far deeper than normal adventure based keynotes. My coaching background again provides the key to this, and my seminars give a large number of core coaching principles and tools for audiences to take away and use in their personal and business lives.

37 Years of Experience


I personally believe this subject is given more air and print time than is usually warranted - with a lot of waffle. I aim to 'cut the crap' and get to the real meat of what leadership means and how to achieve it.

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